Bluestacks lag
Bluestacks lag

bluestacks lag

You don’t want to play on a platform which makes a speed claim that it can’t hold. The same goes for the games/apps we play on the Platform. You won’t want to play on a platform that will just crash over and over seemingly without reason. That’s because those are the most important aspects of BlueStacks performance in general. This is all in good fun but it leaves a question, exactly how reliable is BlueStacks 4 (BS4)? That question is again broken down into the parts mentioned in the title, namely, Stability, Speed and Endurance. Read our detailed Blogpost about BlueStacks 4 performance here.

bluestacks lag

The newly launched BS4 has proven to be a whopping 6x faster than any mobile device on Earth. The speed advantage comes in the fact that even “lower n slower” PC systems are still much stronger compared to many Android devices. You’d be surprised how many find using a keyboard and mouse combination much more comfortable. This allows you to configure your keyboard and/or mouse to be used to simulate taps on the screen. There’s a key mapper built into BlueStacks. Even on a smaller notebook PC, you’ll most likely have a much bigger screen to play on compared to most Android mobile devices. This allows you to run android apps/games directly on your PC at any given time. As most know, BlueStacks is the leading ‘Android for PC’ gaming platform.

Bluestacks lag